

I see most things through a lens. Not a very expensive one, but just the same. Those who know me know that I usually show up with my camera to anything. It's what I do. I enjoy capturing things in my veiwfinder, to save for later. I look at photos as a serious contribution to life. I am hoping to use my eye and talent to give to others.

Enjoy my daily contributions.


April 26th, Baby Robins

So 2 weeks later, here are the four beautiful baby robins, one day old. I took a few pics, but we left them alone. The amazing weather kept my family and the dog in and out all afternoon, so mother and father robin kept their distance from the nest. I thought this was so sad! But I guess that's why birds don't typically build their nests on patios? While at the horseshoe pit, (which is at the other end of the yard) they would take turns feeding and sitting on the babies. I can't wait to see what they look like this Saturday...and how the mother robin handles a party of 20 going in and out for hours...

Easter Eggs

Easter eggs, April 12th.

A robin had assembled her next on a shelf on my parents' gazebo. It was neat to be able to be this close to her and what we knew would be coming, however, the shelf she chose was the one right outside of the patio door. This caused much stress for mother robin, as this door is opened several times a day. As it got closer, I was worried she wasn't spending enough time on the eggs, though my parents' assured me she was.