
Yeah, I'm blogging again.

It's just who I am. I'm not a daily poster, even though I want to be so bad! :-) I'm also trying to maintain my photography blog. In the age where we update our FB status, our twitter, our blogs... It's just hard for me to commit to all of them all the time.

I always reread my last blog before I post. My last blog was about turning 25... What a great post that was. I enjoyed rereading it.

Well, I'm 25 now. And 4 months. The world hasn't ended. And I never picked that book up again. (Still think I will, we'll see...) I am about to embark on a new chapter of my life this week: started a new job. I've only had a handful of those in my life, longevity is something I have on my side. I call this one, "My Big-Girl" job. I was finally able to leave retail management (Hooray!) and move into the 9-5 office category, which I am very excited about. I start on Wednesday!

I am hoping to squish all of my goals and timeframes into one thing, as I like to do. I am about to ignite my "new life plan" on Wednesday. I want to get a "9-5" life going... Which means to me, Work, work out, cook dinner, spend a few hours doing what needs to be done, and then sleeping. I am going to try to discipline myself to this new routine. I have no discipline at all, so it will be a challenge, but one I am willing to accept and put forth effort. Here's the breakdown:

1. Work. I have worked 9-5 before. 3 days a week in retail, I get up at 8 and barely make it to work by 9. The challenge here will be waking up at 7am and getting used to it. My workday can start anywhere between 8-9 now, but I want to train myself to get there at 8 so I can leave by 5pm. This won't be the most or least fun of my new day, but one I think I can accomplish.

2. Work out. Yeah...so in April, I began a weight loss journey that I struggled with, but overcame! I curbed my diet, exercised 3 times a week on average, and lost 13 pounds the hard way! It was amazing... until June, my birthday and the rest of the busy end of summer. I have not been back regularly since then. I have gained 6 pounds back and it really hurts my own feelings. I just know how hard it was to lose them, now not only do I want to keep going to my ultimate goal, I have to RE-LOSE those 6 pounds! So, I am aiming for 4 days, but I want to go back to three days MINIMUM a week, immediately following work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. (Wednesday church, Friday fun).

3. Cook dinner. I do not cook. I do not know how to cook hardly anything, the things I do know ho to cook could use some work. This mirrors number 2, because I need to refix my diet, so I need to cook healthy meals. I am setting a goal to cooking 3-4/7 days a week: allowing 1 night my choice (something quick and easy, or out, or have dinner with someone) 1 possible night of leftovers, 1 night my husband cooks and our normal Sunday Night Pizza. Seems doable... we will see. I am going to add a special challenge to myself: one *NEW* recipe a week! :-)

4. What needs to be done. Photo editting, electronic media, chores, hobby. Since I will not have days off during the week that I usually earmark for chores and errands, I will have to be more diligent about making time for them at night. Also, scrapbooking. It needs attention.

5. Sleeping. Yes, I need to retrain my habits to get up at 7! Going to bed around 11 is the norm... gonna try to keep it that way, but will probably need tweaks!

I'm excited about my new chapter. I think it will be more like a "real job life". Not the static life of retail. I am going to try to discipline myself to blog about it!

1 comment:

  1. will you add me to your email list? under settings under your blog and there's an email tab, that way it'll email me when you update :)
