
9.26.09 - Memory Walk for Alzheimer's Disease

My Gramma was diagnosed with early onset advanced Alzheimer's, and she passed away because of this in June 2006, the day before my 21st birthday. I was very close to her growing up, and it was hard for me to visit her and watch her slowly fade, until she didn't even know who I was.

This year I decided to sign up to raise money for more research and hopefully to find a cure for this heartbreaking disease. I was also going to walk on September 26th!

Well, if you don't know, it rained for about 11 days straight here in middle Tennessee, including this day. I thought for sure (due to the email sent out the night before) that we would be walking in the rain, and I was quite prepared for it. Unfortunately, my walk was canceled due to the weather!

I spent some time on this day praying and thinking about the people I know and that my family and friends know that have suffered or are suffering from Alzheimer's. I miss my Gramma so much and I have so many memories of her. It was hard on me to see her suffering, she and I had a very close relationship when I was a child. When I moved to TN in 1996, away from her, I fell into a bad place, not understanding why God had seperated us, and even resented my dad for a long time because he was the one who moved us. I was 11 then, and to question God was somewhat easy. Ironically, throughtout my childhood, my Gramma was the one who took me to church every Sunday, the one who taught me about God and about praying. I knew that she wouldn't be happy if she knew how mad at God I was, so I never told her. I knew she was sad to hear that my parents were not continuing my church going, even though she wasn't surprised. She just wanted me to follow Him. I know that she is with Him now, she was a devout follower and I admire how full of faith she was.

To sit here and list memories I have of her will hurt me, and there are too many, but I remember how sweet and kind she was. She was gentle and honest. She was so caring, and to giving. I never wanted for anything, and she gave me so much attention and support in my growing years. I love her so much.

1 comment:

  1. I still think of when we went to Which Wich and you shared with me the correlations of your passion for photography and relating it to yourself on a much more personal level...and because of that I look at photography from a different perspective, no joke. Ever since we hung out that night, my perspective changed. Thanks for sharing that, and this post too...
