
Ah, September.

I try and use any excuse for a "fresh start". I find myself doing this a lot, I guess because I constantly start things and do not finish? Or maybe that I find myself stressed out and at my wits end, and need to start over. Whatever the case may be, I am looking forward to September: a new month, a new season and hopefully a change of pace. I love summer, and I must say that I had a great one! But I am ready for things to slow down, take a breather, and try (again) to get certain things in my life in order.

I started today off pretty well... but found myself with a pickle at home. I discovered that quite a few of my 2008-2009 photo files are corrupted and will not copy onto my master usb. I was instantly in panic mode, but realized that will a lot of tedious hard work that I do not have spare time for, I can probably just completely recopy all of my photos, some months (are you ready for this?) photo by photo. Kill me now. I am actually VERY organized with my photos. I have them all in folders with the date, then inside monthly folders inside a yearly folder. It is a system that has proved wonderfully for me. So for my birthday, my dad bought me some large usb zip drives so I could create a master storage for them. Everything was going well, I was sorting a bit every night, and copying the master year folder onto the zip. Well it has come time to move the last two years, and I have been getting corruption pop ups. After talkign with my husband and my dad about it... I am sad to say all of my hard work sorting may come down to me having to do it all over again, photo by photo. And just a fun tidbit - "2009" alone, January-August, is 6.71GB. All I know so far is that January and Frebruary are not corrupted, but possibly the entire month of March is. After that I just quit.

One great thing about September is that my husband and I are starting a marriage Bible study. I am very excited, because I have always wanted to do a Bible study, but my schedule never matched any of the ones that my friends were a part of. Scott has a men's small group that he attends on Saturdays, and we are going to format it similarly to that. I am supposed to be coming up with a topic as we speak... I wished he had done the first one so I would be a little more familiar with what it should be...but heck! It's our Bible study, we can format it however we want! Now our Bible study won't have a specific schedule, but once a week.

September also brings a new car... which it bittersweet. I will blog more about that as it happens. It brings cooler weather (soon, right?) It brings our good friend, Drew, embarking on the next part of his life - in Fairfax :-( It brings a new baby into our family! It brings the scrapbook convention that I have ben so looking forward to!! And on the same note, it begins my scrapping nights with my friend and coworker, Kelsey. It should be a great month, but it will also be a stressful one.


  1. Ok, so whose baby is September bringing? It is a lot for us, too. A new car for me and our 5 year anniversary! Hope all is going well!

  2. September seems to be a great month for you, I hope it all goes well. Good luck with the bible study!
