
End of September, end of the RAIN!

I usually love the rain, but 11 days of it was enough! It finally ended, and brought with it the normal cooler weather that September should have. I am happy to see fall finally coming...

(What you are missing from this camera photo, is there was actually a TRIPLE rainbow! I was blessed to be able to see it! I was a little bummed they didn't all show up).

1 comment:

  1. You know I just read your new posts and I must say I was excited to still feel connected to yall in Tennessee. It really looks like September was good to ya, and I am glad. For a while there, I didn't know if you were gonna update any in September, but you proved me wrong! Haha it's good to see pictures of yall. I noticed each blog post has a photograph, that's great! It's a minor detail I know, but it's still cool.
